Saturday, March 18, 2006

The Montini Contest

I enjoy shaking up beverages for people at parties. The crowd-pleasers in my repertoire are mostly from, inspired by martini bars, or from books. They include the Mochatini, the Vegas Martini, and the Bikini Martini.

Recently, my friend Christina has been prodding me to make something more original, and to name it after myself, as "The Montini". It's quite a challenge to come up with something that...
  1. is original
  2. tastes good
  3. captures the essence of a person (or is at least not full of unfortunate metaphor or innuendo)
So, I propose a contest to create a beverage recipe. The winner will be dubbed "The Montini". Runners-up will receive creative names (or their creators may name them). Losers may be called names as well...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, here goes...

1-half Cantelope melon (the green one)
1 spotty-ripe banana
1 slice of gingeroot
quick splash of ginger beer (for fizziness)

10:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lemon juice syrup
a touch of lemon rind
a touch red hot chilli pepper
1 basil leaf or maybe mint leaf?

11:01 PM  

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